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TEPAV Monitoring Newsletter on Tobacco Control Policies<br/>December 2022 | Issue: 02

TEPAV Monitoring Newsletter on Tobacco Control Policies
December 2022 | Issue: 02

This newsletter was prepared by TEPAV for the purpose of sharing data and information on tobacco use in Türkiye at regular intervals. The first issue of the aforementioned Monitoring Newsletter contained the comparative analysis of the survey findings commissioned by TEPAV in February 2022 and the results of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) Türkiye. This second issue of the newsletter consists of a comparative analysis of the survey findings in June 2022 and survey findings in February 2022 commissioned by TEPAV.

Survey studies were conducted in the form of a computer-assisted phone survey with 2000 participants in 12 provinces (İstanbul (TR1), Balikesir (TR2), İzmir (TR3), Bursa (TR4), Ankara (TR5), Antalya (TR6), Kayseri (TR7), Samsun (TR8), Trabzon (TR9), Erzurum (TRA) , Malatya (TRB), Gaziantep (TRC)) representing 12 NUTS-1 regions of Türkiye.

The study conducted by TEPAV is important and meaningful since the most recent official data on tobacco use in our country are the data obtained from the Turkey Health Survey  conducted by TURKSTAT in 2019 and the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) conducted in 2016, and there has been no official study conducted within this scope since then.

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