This newsletter has been prepared by TEPAV with the purpose
of regularly sharing data and information on tobacco product use in Turkey. The
first issue of the Monitoring Newsletter features a comparative analysis of
survey results conducted by TEPAV in February 2022 and Turkey results of the
Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS).
The exhaustive analysis on the consumption of tobacco products in Turkey is based upon micro-data obtained through nationally representative surveys. Compared to many other data sources, national-level surveys that monitor tobacco use in various countries are carried out under varying sample conditions in different years, and therefore, there exists no current standardization among the countries. In this newsletter, the results of the survey conducted by TEPAV are used to analyze the tobacco use trends in Turkey in more detail. The survey was conducted as computer-aided telephone interviews with 8000 respondents and in 12 cities that represent the 12 NUTS-1 regions of Turkey in February, June, October and December 2022 namely (İstanbul (TR1), Balıkesir (TR2), İzmir (TR3), Bursa (TR4), Ankara (TR5), Antalya (TR6), Kayseri (TR7), Samsun (TR8), Trabzon (TR9), Erzurum (TRA), Malatya (TRB), Gaziantep (TRC)).
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